Index To Jones County, North Carolina Estate Records
North Carolina Department of Archives and History
Raleigh, NC

To find material by mail, write to:
Kim Cumber
Search Room, NC Division of Archives and History
109 E. Jones St
Raleigh, NC 27601-2807
send a self-addressed stamped envelope
your one question
a check for $8.00 (search fee)
in return mail, you will be advised of the number of pages in the estate folder and the cost to produce copies.

Entries are sorted alphabetically.

[ A ]

[ B ]

[ C ]

[ D ]

[ E ]

[ F ]

[ G ]

[ H ]

[ I ]

[ J ]

[ K ]

[ L ]

[ M ]

[ N ]

[ O ]

[ P ]

[ Q ]

[ R ]

[ S ]

[ T ]

[ U ]

[ V ]

[ W ]

[ X-Y-Z ]

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