Stop the Villian!
Contributed by Sloan Mason
January 27, 1821
Stop the Villain!
A Person of a very suspicious character supposed to be between 35 and 40 years of age, who
called himself BLUNT, visited Georgetown, SC, and its neighbourhood, two or three years past,
under circumstances of a very suspicious nature. During the second week in the present year
he again visited the same place, and has since left it in such a way as to induce most persons
to believe that he deserves to be numbered among the most accomplished villains.
There can be bo doubt but that he has enticed and fraudulently taken away a young Negro named
BUCKEY, belonging to the Estate of Izard, (in charge of Mr. Joel Williams, of Pee Dee.) Also, two
Negroes belonging to the Estate of George & Savage Smith, named PARIS, and MARIA, his wife.
Izard's fellow was dressed in white plains. Paris is a likely fellow, about 23 years of age, five feet five
or six inches high, and well made. Maria is about 20 years of age, very light complected, and has a
lameness in the right leg from a rheumatic aflection.
Said BLUNT, is about five feet nine inches high, thin visage, dark complected, has a frowning
countenance, and wears a green frock coat and drab pantaloons.He left Georgetown on Saturday
evening, 18th inst, in a green painted, and well curtained Dearborn Waggon, drawn by a yellow bay
mare, with a blaze face, having a mulatto servant well dressed, who rode a small dark bay mare,
with a switch tail. He was afterwards seen in company with a Negro dressed in plains, supposed
to be Izard's.
They have been traced as far as Newbern, NC and it is understood that they passed Street's Bridge
on Saturday last, probably on their way either to Edenton or Greenville.
At Trent Bridge, Jones County, he called himself David Davis, in which name he bought, of a Mr
Smith, a Negro boy, about fourteen years of age.
A Reward of Two Hundred Dollars will be given to any person who will secure in jail, in North or
South Carolina, the above named villain, and furnish proof that will convict him--Seventy-Five Dollars
for Buckey, and Sixty Dollars for the other Negroes--provided immediate information to be given to
the subscriber, in Georgetown.
Peter Cuttino,
Administrator of G. & S. Smith.
January 24th, 1821
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