Plantation FOR SALE
Contributed by Sloan Mason
Carolina Centinel
July 22, 1820
Plantation FOR SALE
The subscriber offers for same his PLANTATION, (about 620 Acres) lying on the North side of Trent
River, 12 miles from Newbern, and one mile from Trent Bridge.
About one-half is cleared and under cultivation and has on it a commodious Dwelling House, a good
Barn, Stables and other outhouses, There is also on the premises, an excellent Fishery, half a mile
from the dwelling house.
TERMS--One-half Cash--the balance on a credit of one and two years. Apply to the Subscriber, on
the premises, or in his absence, to Enoch Foy, Esq.
Lewis Sanderson.
Jones County, July 6, 1820--120
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