Lands & Mills FOR SALE
Contributed by Sloan Mason
November 9, 1822
Lands & Mills FOR SALE
The subscriber intending to leave the State, offers for sale 1430 Acres of Land, where he now lives,
in Jones county, on the North side of Trent River, one mile above Trenton.
There is on the premises a convenient Dwelling House and other necessary buildings, with an
excellent set of Saw & Grist Mills, both new and in complete operation, the latter having a good
bolting cloth.They were built of good materials, by the best of workmen, and are at least equal to
any in the lower part of the state.
If the above property is not previously sold, it will be offered at public sale on Thursday the 28th of
next month, (November) when all also will be sold, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Corn, Fodder,
Peas, Framing Tools, &c.
ALSO A number of NEGROES will be hired out for a short time.
If the lands are not sold, they will be Rented for a term of years.
Christopher Bryan.
Jones county, Oct. 23, 1822--'40 5
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