1866 Jones County Tax List
1866 Jones County Tax List
Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in White Oak District, Jones County, NC.
Jones County 1866 tax
Owen Adams No 9 White Oak $ 4.00
J Bender Lander, LL Eubanks 218 White Oak 3.60
John Shackelford, GT 45 4.80
GP Young, WOS 8 4.00
Huzekiah Farrow WOW No 14 4.00
John Hall, HH 63 H Hall 12.00
Chas Gerock No 14 89 Chas G 9.44
J D Hines, L McDaniel 184 3.20
Bazil McDaniel 117 7.20
Lewis McDaniel 119 2.40
Matilda Pollock 116 3.20
Thos E. Pritchett 179 1.13
J Shackleford GT 45 2.40
Susan Williams Exec 7.20
AC Williams 162 12.00
Susan Williams Exec
Misallia Williams 163 4.00
Louis L. Koonce (Cypress creek) 155 8.80
Ivy King 76 20.42
Rich Miller 148 8.96
EH Stanley ETS 193 12.00
Jesse C Williams by
MJ Faison 217 54.00
Beaver Creek
JB Andrews 183 $ 3.20
Calhourn Haskins 79 3.20
JH Haddock 196 5.60
Thos Huggins Heirs 33 8.00
SJ Sutton 159 3.00
Alex Tilghman 169 13.64
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
9 Adams, Morten $ 4.00 Apr 6.66
90 Ball Bersraba Heirs of TN Raider 3.20 May 4.66
2 Bynum, Wm 16.00 Mach 30.66
3 Bynum, Lewis 8.00 30.66
218 Bender, J. Trustee Levin L. Eubanks 3.60 May 16.66
81 Collins, Eausel 1.60 3.66
82 Collins, Simmons 5.60 3.66
24 Eubanks Lemuel 2.40 Apr 17.66
110 Eubanks, LL Allen T. Eubanks 4.00 May 7.66
191 Foscue, Cyane 28.00 15.66
189 Gilbert, Thos. S. 24.00 15.66
71 Hay, Joseph James E. Hay 28.00 2.66
4 Herritt, Rigdon R. 1.60 Apr 4.66
145 Jones E. S. Heirs Thoms I. Portis 212.00 May 11.66
190 Koonce, Philip 1.60 15.66
68 Levitt, Elijah Elisha Waters 2.00 2.66
93 Meadows, B. 4.00 4.66
90 Maides, J.M. 9.20 4.66
94 Meadows, M. .80 4.66
7 Matticks, Urban 4.00 Apr 6.66
Amt. Carried forw 363.60
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Amt. Boght forw 363.60
187 Oldfield, Richards 94.40 May 15.66
18 Parsons, Thos. C. 4.00 Apr 17.66
45 Shackleford, John 4.80 25.66
25 Shiver, Wm E. 15.20 20.66
19 Taylor, J.A. 2.40 Apr 17.66
69 Waters, Seth 1.60 May 2.66
8 Jancey, G.P. 4.00 Apr 6.66
Amt. Carried forw 490.00
Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Pollocksville District, Jones County,
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 490.00
128 Adams, J. I. Roscoe Barras $ 5.00 May 9.66
129 Barras, J.A. Roscoe Barras 12.00 9.66
130 Barras, R. 14.00 9.66
35 Bell, Jos R. 16.00 Apr 24.66
30 Bender, Bryan 16.00 24.66
80 Bender, J. K. 10.00 May 3.66
172 Bryan, Julia C. Jas. C. Bryan 16.00 14.66
173 Bryan, Julia C Grd 84.00 14.66
57 Dudley, Thos. E. 1.60 Apr 27.66
58 Dudley, Francis Thos E. Dudley 1.60 27.66
14 Farrow, Hesekiah 4.00 16.66
39 Foscue, Josephus E E.B. Isler 24.00 25.66
192 Foy, Chas. H by EP TI Gilbert 32.00 May 15.6
72 Foy, Franklin 100.00 2.66
197 Foy, Wm 60.00 15.66
161 Foscue, Dorcas R. Barras 1.20 14.66
60 Foscue, C Gdn for CC Foscue 76.00 Apr 27.66
27 Gibson, Wm J. Susan Gibson 2.40 Apr 27.66
63 Hall, John 12.00 28.66
203 Haughton, L. J. J.A. Haskel 192.00 May 16.66
64 Hall, G.W. Admin of Thos. Hall 32.00 Apr.28.66
- Hines, J J 12.00 May 15.66
200 Isler, Barbara M. 56.00 May 16.66
Amt. Carried forw 1,250.40
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Pollocksville District, Jones County,
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 1,250.40
-- McDaniel, S. $ 2.40 May 14.66
65 Messer, Jas. 3.20 Apr 28.66
188 Oldfield, R. 12.00 May 15.66
106 Oliver, Wm Jas. J. Oliver 84.00 7.66
137 Pritchett, E.P. 6.00 9.66
187 Sanders, D. M. F. G. Simmons 116.00 7.66
104 Simmons, F. G. 84.00 7.66
215 Simmons, Geo. G. 28.00 16.66
50 Simmons, A.G. John Simmons 8.00 Apr 26.66
70 Stricklin, Fereber John P. W. Lee 2.40 May 2.66
125 White, H.A. 8.00 8.66
126 White, W.B. 52.00 May 8.66
92 Whitty, Alfred 8.00 4.66
20 Whitty, J. H. 12.00 Apr 20.66
201 Williamson, Mary E. J. N. Whitford 68.00 May 16.66
by Wm Foy, Gdn.
202 Williamson, C. by Hardy Whitford 68.00 16.66
Wm Foy, Gdn
Amt. Carried forw 1,812.40
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Trenton District, Jones County, NC.
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 1,812.40
105 Amyette, Furney S. F. G. Simmons $ 16.00 May 7.66
123 Andrews, J.S. 3.00 8.66
124 Andrews, P.M. 2.84 8.66
3 Ackers, Berry 4.62 Apr 14.66
9 Busick, Semel 13.60 May 7.66
89 Gerock, Chas. 9.44 4.66
31 Gooding, Council 8.00 Apr 23.66
127 Harrison, J. S for E. Harrison
Jas. S. Harrison .29 May 8.66
32 Hawkins, Jas. S. 2.00 Apr 23.66
184 Hines, J. D. F. McDaniel 3.20 May 14.66
120 Koonce, C. Lewis 4.00 8.66
138 McDaniel, R. 35.36 10.66
117 McDaniel, Bazil 7.20 8.66
118 McDaniel, Elvin 10.40 8.66
186 McDaniel, Jack 116.00 14.66
180 McDaniel, T. 8.00 14.66
119 McDaniel, Lewis 2.40 8.66
- McDaniel, S. 32.40 14.66
28 Perry, Susan S. G. Wilson 17.08 Apr 23.66
66 Perry, E. H. E.F. 20.00 30.66
111 Pollock, Amy .34 May 8.66
112 Pollock, Mary .34 8.66
43 Pollock, Julia .34 8.66
44 Pollock, S. M. .34 8.66
Amt. Carried forw 2,129.59
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Trenton District, Jones County, NC.
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 2,129.59
115 Pollock, M. J. $ 34 May 8.66
116 Pollock, Matilda 3.20 May 8.66
179 Pritchell, Hos. E. 1.13 8.66
174 Sanderson, Julia James C. Bryan 8.00 14.66
45 Shackleford, J. 2.40 Apr 25.66
29 Stanley, J.R. 32.00 23.66
1 Smith, Jos K. 28.96 Mch 24.66
176 Ward, W.P. 32.80 May 14.66
34 Wilcox, Thomas 26.00 Apr 23.66
162 Williams, Susan Ext of Susan Williams, AC 12.00 May 14.66
163 Williams, Susan Ext of
Williams and Prisellia (?) 4.00 14.66
Amt. Carried forw 2,280.42
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Cypress Creek District, Jones County,
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 2,280.42
53 Askew, Amos $ 4.84 Mch 26.66
43 Brock, Sr. B. Perry Brock, Jr. 17.84 Apr 25.66
44 Brock, Jr. Perry 13.32 25.66
98 Brock, Bery D for J.W Furinfold Brock 69.33 May 4.66
95 Brock, Isaac 13.33 4.66
210 Brock, Joseph 1.20 16.66
5 Brown, Benj 22.00 Apr 26.66
97 Brown, Cyrus 53.60 May 4.66
151 Dillahunt, S. 20.97 12.66
10 Francks, E. S. 27.20 Apr 6.66
11 Gooding, A. C. 1.42 6.66
42 Hammond, A. F. 16.80 25.66
52 Hatch, R. J. R. 100.00 26.66
99 Hertage, J. S. 22.00 May 4.66
206 Jones, John H. Gdn for R.R. Jones 34.48 May 16.66
154 Koonce, Calvin 56.00 May 12.66
155 Koonce, Louis F. 8.80 17.66
17 Koonce, Amos S. 5.36 Apr 16.66
96 Koonce, John S. 16.80 May 4.66
67 Kincey, Robert by L. Dillahunt, Gdn. 14.36 1.66
211 Kincey, Jobe S. 7.92 16.66
12 Rhodes, J. M. T. 22.00 Apr 6.66
156 Whitaker, Thos J. 6.36 May 12.66
Amt. Carried forw 2,849.13
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Tuckahoe District, Jones County, NC.
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 2,849.13
214 Brown, Isaac $ 46.40 May 16.66
207 Cox, Wm A. Wm. H. Cox 93.83 16.66
208 Wm for heirs of T Jones 4.39 16.66
7- Fordham, W. G. 5.46 2.66
75 Fordham, W. G. for Mary Fordham 8.00 2.66
197 Foy, William 2.80 15.66
- Hardison, C. C. 2.02 2.66
121 Farrier, David and David Farrier 28.00 6.66
J. M. Hall
77 Gooding, Moses 8.02 2.66
8- Heath, John .80 May 4.66
88 Jones, Asa for Jonas Jones .56 14.66
147 Jones, David 3.60 12.66
85 Jones, Wm for Mary Jones .48 4.66
177 Jameson, Est of Job Wm. P. Ward 45.60 4.66
209 King, Felix 36.80 16.66
76 King, Ivey 20.72 2.66
212 Kincey, Jackson 12.00 16.66
213 Kincey, J. J. 16.00 16.66
148 Miller, Richard 8.96 12.66
83 Smith, John 6.66 4.66
193 Stanley, E. H. 12.00 15.66
Amt. Carried forw 3,211.93
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Tuckahoe District, Jones County, NC.
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 3,211.93
194 Stanley, E. H. E. H. Stanley $ 28.00 May 15.66
Heirs of Jonas Jones
131 Shelfer, Amos Benj. Huggins .48 9.66
87 Turner, Whitfield John B. Turner 5.60 4.66
86 Turner, John b. 7.20 4.66
149 Westbrook, Nathan B. .44 12.66
216 Williams, Arteus J. B. Hilton 28.00 16.66
216 Williams, Arteus E. H. Stanley 16.00 15.66
Trustee for Barbara Cox
54 Williams, Jones 4.44 Apr 26.66
150 Westbrook, Jas B. 9.60 May 12.66
217 Williams, Jonas C. M. J. Faison 64.00 16.66
Amt. Carried forw 3,412.69
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Beaver Creek District, Jones County,
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 3,412.69
183 Andrews, J. B. $3.20 May 14.66
170 Becton, Wm B. 76.00 14.66
171 Becton, Wm B. 36.00 14.66
For Wm. B. Willows
168 Cox, Gabriel P. 12.00 14.66
158 Cairson, S. J. .80 12.66
134 Farnell, E. M. G. W. Pollock 5.60 9.66
140 Green, David 54.00 10.66
56 Gilbert, Nathan B. 12.16 Apr 27.66
30 Gooding, Council S. Gooding 20.00 23.66
78 Gooding, Isaac 16.00 May 2.66
143 Gooding, Thomas 36.00 10.66
79 Haskins, Calhourn 3.20 2.66
23 Haskins, Teriah (?) 10.14 Apr 29.66
165 Heath, Joel A. 48.00 May 14.66
166 Heath, Argent 28.00 14.66
167 Heath, Edmound for Elizabeth Harrison .13 14.66
146 Haughton, J. H. 96.00 11.66
204 Harrison, F. B. 108.00 16.66
196 Haddock, J. H. 5.60 15.66
33 Huggins, Thomas heirs 8.00 Apr 23.66
40 Isler, Edwin B. 100.00 25.66
144 Isler, B by E. B. Cox S. H. Isler 72.00 May 10.66
Amt. Carried forw 4,163.52
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Beaver Creek District, Jones County,
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 4,163.52
133 McDaniel, Thos. Morris McDaniel $25.62 May 9.66
46 McDaniel, Nathan 60.00 Apr. 25.66
181 McDaniel, F. 11.60 May 14.66
20 McDaniel, John David T. Warters 2.39 Apr 19.66
6 Nobles, Eorock 24.80 5.66
21 Phillips, Spencer 7.27 19.66
47 Pittman, Wm C. Nathan McDaniel 8.00 25.66
- Reynolds, John B. 2.00 14.66
130 Reynolds, R. G. Heirs F. McDaniel 2.00 14.66
by F. M. McDaniel Gdn
157 Smith, F. S. T. J. Whitaker 17.60 May 12.66
-8 Simmons, John 20.00 Apr 26.66
16 Stanley, Nancy S.J. Moore 42.92 16.66
135 Stanley, F. G. W. Pollock 1.60 May 9.66
22 Stanley, Benj. F. 42.08 Apr 19.66
159 Sutton, S. J. 3.00 May 12.66
15 Stanley, Wm F. J. B. Stanley 1.60 Apr 16.66
169 Tilghman, Alex 13.64 May 14.66
49 Taylor, Jas. R. 4.40 Apr 26.66
155 Wood, Nancy .80 27.66
5 Watson, Alex B. 16.60 4.66
Amt. Carried forw 4,471.44
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Beaver Creek District, Jones County,
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 4,471.44
152 Adams, Amen Samuel Hutson $10.26 May 12.66
-2 Adams, A. Wm Daniel S. Gilbert 10.26 10.66
Trustee for S. Gilbert
104 Anderson S. S. Adams 10.26 14.66
62 Andrews, Peter 3.20 Apr 27.66
160 Banks, Jos B. 9.60 May 14.66
108 Cox, Wm A. E. W. Scott 20.00 7.66
122 Debreuille, Geo. S. 36.00 8.66
37 Foscue, E. M. 42.25 Apr 25.66
141 Fields, Jacob, heirs Ruth Fields 1.60 May 10.66
38 Foy, Franklin E.M. Foscue Gdn 21.04 Apr 25.66
100 Harrison, Thomas 32.77 May 5.66
101 Harrison, Danl 22.38 5.66
102 Harrison, Mary Danl Harrison 12.63 5.66
59 Harrett, James 10.00 Apr 27.66
49 Isler, E. B. 16.35 25.66
139 Mallard, W.H. 3.20 May 10.66
199 Messer, John 5.80 15.66
103 Messer, Wm. P. 4.50 Apr 27.66
61 Nethercutt, J. H. 10.40 27.66
Amt. Carried forw 4,753.84
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Names of Persons who Paid Taxes, Numbers of Stubs of Receipts, and Amounts Paid,
appearing in Book of Assessment of Tax No. 1, in Beaver Creek District, Jones County,
No Name of Tax Paid Date of
Of Stub Owner By Whom Paid Dolls/Cts Payment
Amt. Boght forw 4,753.84
155 Oldfield, Richd Samuel Hutson $29.36 May 12.66
Adm of Geo. W. Herriett
175 Sanderson, E. T. 9.60 May 14.66
178 Scott, Wm H. 4.61 14.66
205 Simmons, A. L. 84.00 16.66
132 Shelfer, Amos Benj. Huggins 1.60 9.66
5 Watson, Alex B. 4.24 Apr 4.66
5 Watson, Agt for Alex B. Watson 1.84 4.66
Holland Bryan
Amt. Carried forw 4,889.09
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